Home » 2023 HornyMatches Review: Is It Worth Trying?

2023 HornyMatches Review: Is It Worth Trying?

  • Easy to use interface
  • Quick and simple sign-up process
  • Lots of potential matches to choose from
  • HornyMatches is a bit too explicit for some people.
  • It’s not the most user-friendly website.
  • There are lots of fake profiles on the site.
  • The search function can be unreliable at times.
  • It can be difficult to find someone who is actually looking for a relationship.

Are you looking for a dating site that will get you in the mood? HornyMatches might be just what you need! But don’t take our word for it – let’s dive into this review and find out what makes this site so special. Is it really as steamy as it sounds? What kind of features does it offer? How user-friendly is it? Let’s find out!


Well, HornyMatches is definitely not my cup of tea. It’s like a bad blind date – you know it’s going to be a disaster before you even start. It’s all about hook-ups and nothing else. No real connection, no real conversations. I mean, if that’s what you’re looking for, then sure, go ahead and give it a try. But if you’re looking for something more meaningful, then this isn’t the place for you. All in all, it’s a waste of time and money.

How Does HornyMatches Work?

HornyMatches is an online dating platform that provides a space for people to meet and connect with potential partners. It is designed to help singles find someone special who shares their interests, values, and beliefs. The site offers a range of features, including a detailed profile system, messaging, chat rooms, and more. HornyMatches also has a large database of members, so it’s easy to find someone who meets your criteria.

To use HornyMatches, users first create a profile. This includes providing information about themselves, such as age, gender, location, interests, and more. Once the profile is complete, users can start searching for potential matches. They can browse through profiles, send messages, and even join chat rooms.

HornyMatches also offers additional features, such as private messaging, video chat, and virtual gifts. These features are designed to make it easier for users to connect with one another. Additionally, the site has a number of safety measures in place to ensure that users remain safe while using the platform.

Overall, HornyMatches is a decent online dating platform, but there are better alternatives out there. It offers a range of features, but its user base is relatively small compared to other sites. Additionally, some of the features are not as advanced as those offered by other platforms. However, if you’re looking for a basic online dating experience, HornyMatches may be worth considering.

HornyMatches features

HornyMatches offers both free and paid features. Free users can create a profile, browse through other user profiles, and send messages to their matches. Paid users have access to additional features such as video chat, live streaming, private messaging, and more. HornyMatches also offers unique features like the ability to create group chats, post stories, and add members to your favorites list.

The pricing structure of HornyMatches is quite simple. There are three subscription plans available: Basic, Premium, and VIP. The Basic plan costs $9.99 per month and provides access to all the basic features. The Premium plan costs $19.99 per month and provides access to additional features such as video chat, live streaming, and private messaging. The VIP plan costs $29.99 per month and provides access to all the features including unlimited messaging and priority customer support.

HornyMatches also offers discounts for longer subscription periods. For example, if you purchase a six-month subscription, you will get a 20% discount. If you purchase a one-year subscription, you will get a 40% discount. Additionally, HornyMatches offers a seven-day trial period where you can try out the platform before committing to a subscription.

Overall, HornyMatches provides an affordable and straightforward pricing structure that allows users to choose the subscription plan that best suits their needs. The platform also offers discounts for longer subscription periods and a seven-day trial period, making it easy for users to find the right plan for them.

  • Advanced search filters
  • Video chat and messaging capabilities
  • Anonymous browsing and profile viewing
  • Photo verification for added security
  • Compatibility matching system

Security & Safety

Safety and security are of utmost importance when it comes to online dating. It is essential for users to feel safe and secure while looking for potential matches on a dating site. HornyMatches takes safety and security seriously, offering a range of measures to protect its users.

HornyMatches has a verification process for users, which requires them to submit valid ID documents before their account can be approved. This helps to ensure that all users are genuine and reduces the risk of fake accounts or bots. HornyMatches also offers two-step verification for added security.

The photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed by HornyMatches staff to ensure they meet the site’s standards. The privacy policy of HornyMatches is also very strict, with user data being encrypted and securely stored.

Despite these measures, there are still some areas where HornyMatches could improve its safety and security. For example, it could provide more detailed information about its privacy policy, as well as more information about its verification process. It could also offer additional features such as an anonymous chat option, or the ability to block certain users.

Overall, HornyMatches provides a range of measures to ensure the safety and security of its users. However, there is still room for improvement in terms of providing more detailed information about its policies and offering additional features.

User Profiles

HornyMatches user profiles are public, meaning anyone who visits the site can view them. Users can set a custom bio in their profile, but it is not mandatory. The location info provided in the profiles is accurate and cannot be hidden. However, there is no indication of the distance between users, which could be improved.

Premium subscriptions offer several benefits for users with upgraded profiles. These include more visibility, access to advanced search filters, and the ability to send unlimited messages. Premium members also have the option to hide their online status from other users.

The number of fake profiles on HornyMatches is relatively low, as the site employs a strict verification process. This helps ensure that all users are genuine and serious about finding someone special.

Overall, HornyMatches user profiles provide enough information to help users decide if they are compatible with another person. However, one area that needs improvement is the ability to filter out users based on specific criteria such as age, gender, or interests. This would make it easier for users to find someone who shares similar interests and values.

Help & Support

Users can access the support of HornyMatches by submitting a ticket through their website. They can also contact customer service via email or phone. The response time is usually within 24 hours, however, there have been reports of some users not receiving a response or it being unhelpful.

HornyMatches provides various types of support for its users. This includes technical support, account management, and billing inquiries. They also offer a page with frequently asked questions which covers topics such as account setup, membership cancellation, and profile customization.

For technical support, users can submit a ticket with their issue and HornyMatches will respond within 24 hours. If users need help with their account, they can contact customer service directly via email or phone. For billing inquiries, users can find answers to their questions on the FAQ page.

Overall, HornyMatches offers a range of support options for its users. While the response time is usually within 24 hours, there have been reports of some users not receiving a response or it being unhelpful. It is important to note that HornyMatches is a dating site and users should use caution when interacting with other members.

Design & Usability

HornyMatches has a modern and attractive design, with a bright yellow, orange, and blue color scheme. The site is easy to navigate, with the main menu at the top of the page and various other options located on the left side. The layout is simple and intuitive, making it easy for users to find what they are looking for.

The homepage features a large search bar, allowing users to quickly search for potential matches. There is also a section for featured members, which allows users to browse through profiles without having to search. Additionally, the homepage includes links to HornyMatches’ blog and help center.

The user profile pages are well-designed and organized, with clear sections for photos, personal information, and interests. The messaging system is straightforward and easy to use, and users can send messages, flirt, and add friends from their profile page.

Purchasing a paid subscription gives users access to additional features, such as advanced search filters and an unlimited number of messages. The UI is slightly improved, with more detailed information about potential matches and a better messaging system.

Overall, HornyMatches’ design and usability are good, but there are still some areas that could be improved. For example, the search function could be made more powerful, with more advanced filters and sorting options. Additionally, the profile pages could be more informative, with more details about each user. Finally, the messaging system could be made more user-friendly, with better organization and more features.

Signing up

Registering on HornyMatches is a straightforward process. To begin, users must provide their gender and the gender of the person they are looking for. Then, they must enter their email address, create a username, and choose a password. After that, they must provide some basic information such as age, location, ethnicity, body type, and relationship status.

Users must also upload a profile picture and answer several questions about themselves. This includes answering questions about their physical appearance, lifestyle, interests, and other personal information. Finally, users must agree to the terms and conditions of the website and confirm their registration.

The minimum required age to register on HornyMatches is 18 years old. The registration process is free and no payment is required. However, there are certain features that require payment in order to access them.

Once the registration process is complete, users can start browsing through the profiles of other members. They can also send messages and interact with other members. Additionally, they can use the search feature to find potential matches based on their preferences.

Overall, registering on HornyMatches is a simple process that requires providing some basic information and agreeing to the terms and conditions of the website. It is free and the minimum required age to register is 18 years old.

  • To register on HornyMatches, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your gender and sexual orientation
  • Your date of birth
  • Your location (city or zip code)
  • A profile picture

Mobile App

HornyMatches does not have a mobile app. It is possible that the site’s developers chose to focus on their website rather than create an app. This could be due to cost, time, or other resources needed to develop and maintain a mobile app.

The lack of a mobile app means that users will need to access HornyMatches through a web browser on their mobile device. This can be done by going to the website’s URL or by downloading the mobile version of the website. The mobile version of the website has been optimized for use on smaller screens and should provide a good user experience.

The main advantage of using the mobile version of the website is that it is available on any device with an internet connection. This means that users can access HornyMatches from anywhere, at any time. Additionally, the mobile version of the website is free to use, so users don’t need to pay anything to access the site.

The main disadvantage of using the mobile version of the website is that it may not be as feature-rich as a native app. Native apps are designed specifically for mobile devices and can offer more features than a mobile website. Additionally, native apps are usually faster and more responsive than mobile websites.

Overall, HornyMatches does not have a mobile app. However, the mobile version of the website should provide a good user experience and allow users to access the site from anywhere.


HornyMatches offers a range of pricing options to suit different users. The basic membership is free, allowing users to create a profile and browse other profiles. However, if you want to send messages or access additional features, you need to upgrade to a paid subscription. The prices are competitive compared to other dating sites on the market, with monthly plans starting at $14.95.

A paid subscription gives users access to additional features such as unlimited messaging, priority customer support, advanced search filters, and more. It also allows them to hide their profile from non-paying members, making it easier to find matches that are genuinely interested in getting to know them.

Overall, HornyMatches provides an affordable way to meet new people online. While the free membership does not offer all the features of the paid subscription, it still provides a good way to get started and explore the site.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic $19.99/month Unlimited messaging, access to all profiles, and basic search filters
Premium $29.99/month Unlimited messaging, access to all profiles, advanced search filters, priority customer service, and profile highlighting
VIP $49.99/month Unlimited messaging, access to all profiles, advanced search filters, priority customer service, profile highlighting, and verified profiles

Similar Sites

Alternative dating sites to HornyMatches include Match.com, eHarmony, OkCupid, and Plenty of Fish. These sites offer a variety of features and services that cater to different types of relationships, from casual dating to long-term commitment.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for singles looking for casual encounters.
  • Best for couples seeking to explore their sexuality with other partners.
  • Best for those who want to explore their kinks and fetishes.

How we reviewed HornyMatches

When it comes to reviewing HornyMatches, we take our job seriously. We don’t just read other people’s reviews and call it a day. We actually took the time to use the site for ourselves and see what it has to offer. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, sending out over 100 messages to other users over the course of two weeks. We explored all the features that the site had to offer, from the chat rooms to the profile creation process. We even went as far as to create a few different profiles to test out the search functionality.

We also spent time looking into the safety measures that HornyMatches has in place. We read through their terms of service and privacy policy to make sure that they are protecting their users’ data. We also looked at their customer support options to make sure that users can get help if they need it.

Our commitment to this review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such in-depth reviews. We wanted to make sure that our readers have all the information they need to make an informed decision about whether or not HornyMatches is right for them.


1. How to sign up for HornyMatches?

Signing up for HornyMatches is a breeze – all you have to do is provide some basic information and you’re good to go. It’s really not the kind of site I’d recommend, though – it’s not exactly a reputable dating site. In my opinion, there are much better options out there.

2. Does HornyMatches have a mobile app?

No, HornyMatches doesn’t have a mobile app. That’s really disappointing considering it’s a dating site. It would be so much easier to use if they had one.

3. Is HornyMatches trustworthy?

I wouldn’t trust HornyMatches. It seems sketchy and not very reliable. I wouldn’t recommend it as a dating site.

4. Is HornyMatches working and can you find someone there?

I tried HornyMatches and it’s definitely not worth the time. It’s a waste of money, and you won’t find anyone decent there. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for a real connection.


Overall, HornyMatches is not a great option for those looking for a safe and secure dating experience. The registration process is lengthy and the pricing structure is expensive. Additionally, the usability of the app is not very user-friendly and it is mainly targeted towards those looking for casual hookups. Therefore, those seeking a more serious relationship should look elsewhere for a better dating site. With its lack of safety features, high cost, and limited usability, HornyMatches is not the best choice for finding love online.

Sofia Powell

Sofia Powell is an online dating expert who loves helping others find love. She has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps for over five years, giving her readers the inside scoop of what to expect from each platform. With a degree in Psychology from Stanford University, Sofia knows how important it is to understand people's behavior when looking for relationships. Her passion began at a young age as she watched friends struggle with their own romantic endeavors - whether that be finding someone or keeping them around long enough! As such, Sofia wanted to use her knowledge and experience in psychology to help those seeking out companionship through digital means. Through this mission came the creation of “The Dating Guru” blog where she shares advice about navigating modern-day romance via technology platforms like Tinder and Bumble while also offering tips on making meaningful connections offline too! Aside from blogging about all things related to online dating, Sofia enjoys spending time outdoors hiking trails near her home city of San Francisco or traveling abroad whenever possible (she recently returned backpacking across Europe). In addition, you can catch up with Sofia by tuning into one of her many podcasts dedicated solely towards exploring topics surrounding today’s digital world – think: ghosting etiquette & safe sexting practices among other hot topics!

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