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Sofia Powell

Sofia Powell is an online dating expert who loves helping others find love. She has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps for over five years, giving her readers the inside scoop of what to expect from each platform. With a degree in Psychology from Stanford University, Sofia knows how important it is to understand people's behavior when looking for relationships. Her passion began at a young age as she watched friends struggle with their own romantic endeavors - whether that be finding someone or keeping them around long enough! As such, Sofia wanted to use her knowledge and experience in psychology to help those seeking out companionship through digital means. Through this mission came the creation of “The Dating Guru” blog where she shares advice about navigating modern-day romance via technology platforms like Tinder and Bumble while also offering tips on making meaningful connections offline too! Aside from blogging about all things related to online dating, Sofia enjoys spending time outdoors hiking trails near her home city of San Francisco or traveling abroad whenever possible (she recently returned backpacking across Europe). In addition, you can catch up with Sofia by tuning into one of her many podcasts dedicated solely towards exploring topics surrounding today’s digital world – think: ghosting etiquette & safe sexting practices among other hot topics!